
This GitBook is a compilation of articles related to the user interface of Ubuntu Phone. It does not intend to go into depth use of the console. For this purpose I recommend the book BQ Aquaris E 4.5 Ubuntu Phone. That book focuses on the use of the console and internal functioning of Ubuntu Phone with frequent updates. BQ Aquaris Ubuntu Phone E 4.5 has been written in English and then translated into Spanish.

Although I plan to write chapters in a specific order, that order can be changed if there is interest in other subjects. The chapter list is as follows:

Chapter Description Published Notes
01 Startup Wizard Yes -
02 Configuring user accounts Yes -
03 OTA Update Yes -
04 Installation of applications Yes -
05 Differences between Scopes, Applications and WebApps - -
06 System settings - -
07 Messaging Applications - -

Note: The book is written in Spanish and then translated into English.

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